Apple to Compete with KDP Select?

Rumors are flying today about a Press Conference Apple will be holding later this month regarding a new software release.  The rumor-mill says the new software is Apple’s answer to Amazon‘s KDP Select: An exclusive self-publishing incentive for indie authors.  As yet there are no details, but Mark Coker of Smashwords says of the rumors:

Apple has a unique (and in my opinion extremely successful) approach to content acquisition in which they complement their own self-publishing platform with a carefully selected list of recommended aggregators. Smashwords been on the list since the iBookstore’s launch. All of the aggregators are subject to ongoing audits where Apple scrutinizes every aspect of our business for our ability to serve their publishers, and if any of us don’t make the cut we’re dropped from the program.


Frankly if they do decided to try to compete with Amazon (which won’t be much of a competition once the KDP Select participants see how low the actual payouts are, in my opinion) I hope they do a much better job giving Indie authors the payout they deserve.  Leave a comment telling me what you think.




Apple to launch new Self-Publishing Program later this month